Vidby is based on advanced methods and algorithms for automatic translation of video soundtracks. An international team of scientists and business and marketing experts uses the technology for a unique SaaS application
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The primary challenge was to create an intuitive and highly responsive user interface that could handle complex functionalities such as real-time AI translations and seamless integration with external APIs like YouTube. The interface needed to support multiple languages and be scalable to accommodate various media formats and document types.
The solution encompassed the use of Vue.js versions 2 and 3 for building a dynamic and maintainable frontend architecture. Vuex, Vue-Router, and Vue-i18n were used for state management, routing, and internationalization, respectively. Tailwind and SASS/SCSS provided the styling solutions, while Nuxt.js was utilized to streamline the development process and enhance SEO performance. The integration with the YouTube API was managed using VueUse and Pinia for state management.